Wednesday, August 27, 2014

SSRS Alternating Row Colors in Matrix


So you've added a Matrix in SSRS and want to have alternating row colors.  You've found the RunningValue function useful, but when there isn't data in some of the columns, the alternating colors start getting wacky:

Here's what you did to get the row colors looking right...

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Create Hash of Multiple Columns


So, you need to compare several columns of one table to several columns of another.  Perhaps you are checking to see if data has changed before updating a row, or you need to track if multiple columns have changed.  Besides doing a bunch of AND statements, a nifty feature of SQL is the HASHBYTES function.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Search for Table Columns Using the System Schema


So you want to search if a column exists in another table, but can't remember which table.  Here's a handy script to be able to search a specific schema for a certain column name:

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Using Custom DLL's in an SSIS Script Task


So you've created an awesome class library you want to use in an SSIS package.  Instead of worrying about registering it in the GAC, you can do the following to make sure your code will work in production.